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AI for Content Authenticity

by Fatimah Elshanawany - As RAD Intel's Director of Talent, Fatimah brings 5 years of social media expertise, specializing in influencer marketing, talent strategy, brand partnerships, negotiations, and implementation across digital platforms. Her unmatched understanding of the dynamic social media landscape enables her to help clients achieve talent goals and KPIs are met with precision.

400 years ago this year, in 1622, the phrase “live and let live” was written by medieval merchants to govern trade throughout Europe, North Africa and Asia.

Today’s modern marketplace is a wondrous and sometimes even treacherous tapestry of millions of diverse and unique individuals, each of whom must be communicated with individually, respectfully, and in an inclusive manner.

The days of generalizations—segmenting target markets based on broad and generalized brackets of demographic and psychographic data—are over. It’s simply not possible for a team of marketing executives, no matter how brilliant and experienced, to create stories and narratives that can speak broadly to thousands of diverse personas in a personal, authentic, and emotionally inspiring way—until RAD AI.


We all have a story. What segment should we force her into?

At RAD AI, we have humbly borrowed our core guiding principle from the brilliant and iconic American writer Maya Angelou. She said, “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Our AI platform enables us to create authentic marketing campaigns across any digital channel for the purpose of delivering measurable outcomes and quantifiable return on investment (ROI).  While most people think of AI as a cold, massively complicated, and hard to understand thingamajig, we see it as a warm and friendly partner.

Smart marketing executives are very good at understanding how their customers think. But the true masters of the craft succeed in creating original campaigns that capture their customers’ hearts.

For humans, guessing how people may or may not react is virtually impossible. We know how we might feel, (I laugh at my own jokes, but my kids don’t!), but we can’t possibly represent the hearts and minds of the diverse nature of our world. Each of us relates to reality in different ways based on who we are, how we were raised and our worldview - so we need some help.


Today’s modern marketplace is an exquisite tapestry of diverse and unique individuals—each of whom needs to be communicated with in a respectful and inclusive manner.

As ironic as it sounds, what marketers need is a rigorous, structured, data-driven approach to communicate at scale with measurable impact. We "simply" need to merge the right and left brain. 

Why don’t marketing executives focus more on authentic storytelling rather than so often on sterile and cliché pitches? One reason is because it’s hard to get emotion right; it can be risky, and when you don’t get it right, it can backfire. Many of us have been forced to play it safe, regress to the mean, sound like everyone else, and settle for less than what we had hoped we could achieve. I don’t know about you, but I want to improve, impact, and set the world on fire with every story I tell.

Our AI understands an infinite array of personas, we don’t need to guess who will feel what. As ironic as it sounds, the data forces us to understand emotions across a intricately complex marketplace:

  • We measure authenticity by deconstructing it into its component parts including resonance, behavior, and emotion.
  • We take those insights and refine segmentation models by pinpointing the highest LTV targets.
  • We take statistically significant data and improve engagement, conversion, and ROI by learning what content (images, video, and text) should be used against which personas, and on what channels.
  • Lastly,  we parse segmentation models and unlock what makes these high-value prospects “tick,” In short, we slice the baloney very, very thin.

We can then take the data sets (read: how real people react, behave, and feel) and test it against third-party data sources to confirm model efficacy. With a push of a button, our algorithm scans hundreds of millions of data points on web properties like Reddit, Pinterest, search, and social. 

Our AI isn’t smarter than you or I. But it can certainly read a hell of a lot faster, understanding behavioral patterns across hundreds of millions of pages of structured and unstructured data. 


It’s not easy for marketers to listen as much as we talk. Maya, our AI, is a fantastic listener. In fact, in a sense, that’s what she does. She observes, watches, listens, and helps us gain a much deeper understanding of the myriad diverse personas.

We recently created an influencer marketing campaign for one of the leading resorts in Las Vegas. The goal was to help our client better understand their enormous customer-base, identify high value customers, and deliver award winning influencer content.  The content we created through AI-informed influencers served as a proxy for a diverse market and generated volumes of authentic content at scale. This helped our client accrue three material benefits:

  1. They saved money by reusing RAD AI-informed content across the marketing mix
  2. They achieved both a brand-building KPIs and performance KPIs
  3. They unified messaging across multiple brands and sub-brands not an easy thing to do particularly in a highly decentralized marketing organization across multiple brands and sub-brands.

This is not something we could have done using traditional AB testing or qualitative research. “Verbal reporting” doesn't cut it. We needed to test our stories and narratives “in the wild,” and observe and measure actual behavior, millions of times in virtually infinite amounts of feedback loops.

In summary, we use our AI to aggregate and analyze data to optimize, adapt and repurpose content across each clients marketing mix:

  1. Create economies of scale: you develop content once, then adapt it everywhere
  2. Optimize content on an iterative basis
  3. Tailor content to each channel and persona thus improving ROI performance against KPIs
  4. Integrate your marketing mix, strengthening across every channel including paid media, websites, landing pages, emails and blogs


In the end, you need to understand her story if you want to capture her heart.

It costs the same amount of money to exclude, annoy, and bore people, as it does to include, inspire, and motivate them.

Let’s work together to tell stories that contain magic. Let’s combine the power of storytelling with the marvels of AI. 


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