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The Value of Reddit Data and Influencer Marketing

by Jeremy Barnett - Jeremy is a 3x founder & currently serves as the CEO/co-founder of RAD Intel. His companies have been featured on Facebook Business, Inc., Entrepreneur, VentureBeat, Vanity Fair, Forbes & Business Insider. Jeremy is a regular speaker @ USC Marshall School of Business & supporter of Orphaned Starfish Foundation.

Influencer Marketing Solution (IMS) use has exploded, and now accounts for as much as 25% of brands’ influencer spend, according to Forrester. This forces marketers to ensure they’re getting the most out of their investment. 

Despite this, many brands still struggle to measure the value of their influencer marketing efforts. This usually occurs because they don’t have access to the right information to properly assess the value of influencer marketing programs.

Reddit Data Unlocks Authentic Influencer Insights

At RAD AI, we believe that influencer marketing campaigns should allow brands to reach highly targeted and engaged audiences. We use our 600+ API-based data connections with platforms such as Reddit to build up a complete picture of the dominant personas that are driving conversations that matter for brands and their campaign objectives. 

Our AI uses this information to understand what your campaign's target audience cares most about today and how they will feel about your message. This ensures that end content delivered by your selected influencers truly connects with your intended target audience. When managed effectively, this strategy can be sustained at scale to guarantee that your campaigns possess the most critical attribute for influencer marketing success: content authenticity.

Too often, evaluating influencers and campaigns is reduced to a guessing game, with little understanding of what content actually drives an ideal outcome. As a result, influencer marketing has come to be treated as a “check box” rather than an effective marketing tool with measurable ROI. 

By using Reddit as an API partner, we tap into authentic communication and gain insights that would be difficult to obtain through other means. This allows for more personalized, relevant and effective influencer marketing campaigns.

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Generative AI with Reddit’s Human Touch

The recent rise of generative AI promises to make incredible digital content radically less expensive to produce. However, AI is sometimes applied at the cost of the authentic, human feel that truly makes content resonate with audiences. Of course, while the best conventional influencer marketing programs offer high levels of authenticity, they often come with expensive content creation costs

But there’s a way to combine the automated efficiency of generative AI with the authenticity of a human touch. RAD AI uses its technology and persona-led approach to bring human authenticity together with the benefits of AI optimization, transforming the influencer marketing space. 

RAD AI uses an innovative end-to-end process to solve a multitude of problems that plague conventional influencer marketing programs. First, RAD AI ensures that all of its influencer campaigns have a consistent level of both intuitive and quantifiable return on investment to match—and often exceed—pay-per-performance ad buys.

RAD AI’s innovations don’t stop with this industry first. The platform goes on to resolve another major issue.  Bias in influencer marketing decisions often goes undetected, which will eventually reduce the long-term value of a brand. RAD AI uses artificial intelligence technology to remove any potential bias from the creative decision-making process. 

Finally, RAD AI uses state-of-the-art machine learning techniques that are optimized from the ground up for influencer marketing. This takes a quantum leap forward from other providers who still use decade-old approaches and systems. By combining measurable ROI, unbiased decision-making and cutting-edge machine learning, RAD guarantees that your final campaign and content will always hit the mark

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Opportunities for Content Authenticity

Reddit is all too often misunderstood. As a result, it’s seldom considered a core part of a brand’s influencer marketing strategy. “Reddit? The one with the cat memes, right?” This is something that we still hear. But RAD AI has a completely different perspective. 

We recognized early in our evolution that Reddit was so much more than a platform for discussion and community-building. Reddit has over 430 million monthly active users and over 1.7 million communities ("subreddits"). More importantly, Reddit offers a highly diverse and uber-engaged audience that brands can connect with and leverage- if the marketer understands how to navigate this unique platform.  Let's dive deeper into the potential of using Reddit data for influencer marketing: 

Reddit Reveals What Communities Care About 

In theory, leveraging the pulse of a community to unlock an influencer marketing strategy sounds great. In practice, you may have doubts based on the current state of the influencer marketing industry. Influencer marketing today is filled with inconsistent, sometimes misleading information.  Our technology is built to fix these issues at the core, providing marketers transparent, data-based insights that deliver quantifiable ROI.

One way we do this is by leveraging a key feature of Reddit: its unique upvote/downvote system. This allows users to push up content they see as the most valuable.  RAD AI uses this sentiment to understand what your brand's target customer persona cares about most. This insight helps you develop a creative strategy your prospective customers will love to see.  

Redditors are having 350k+ individual conversations every day. Harnessed correctly, these conversations offer a wealth of knowledge that can be used to inform a brand's content and creative strategy when developing influencer campaigns.


Case Study : Roman Health

Roman, a brand under the Ro umbrella, came to RAD AI seeking quantifiable brand awareness and improved sentiment among net-new audiences unfamiliar with its products. Roman felt they needed more than biased personal opinions about the right creative strategy and influencers to reach their campaigns’ target audiences and customer profile.

We began by benchmarking Roman’s historical content performance across owned and social channels. We used our proprietary AI to process 2.5B data points prior to launching the campaign, including aggregated data from Reddit and four other key social networks.

The Results

The campaign saw 68 pieces of unique content created using our ‘Creative Intelligence’ approach.  Following 152K total engagements, the campaign achieved a 3.7x ROI on organic, paid and brand channels, while saving 681+ hours of labor. Here’s what our client had to say about the results:


More results:

  • Improving Instagram engagement from .08% to 4.03%.
  • Improving TikTok engagement from .09% to 5.27%.
  • Increasing website traffic by 22.04% and sessions by +10.57%.
  • Delivering 71 pieces of unique content, 2.1M AI-informed impressions and 97,070 engagements.
Stop Guessing about Influencers 

RAD AI (Remove All Doubt) is the world’s first artificial intelligence technology that delivers ROI-based creative strategy for influencer marketing. Our proprietary solution utilizes Reddit alongside 600+ API data connections to deliver unbiased creative intelligence, influencer recommendations and campaign strategy. 

Our clients can expect:

  • Quantifiable performance ROI
  • Hundreds of hours saved on content creation
  • Measurable reduction in content production costs
  • Sustained scale in the top decile

We help your brand take the guesswork out of influencer marketing with creative intelligence and insights that deliver unparalleled performance your entire team will understand. Contact us to schedule a demo and see how we can help you leverage Reddit insights to achieve your influencer marketing goals.


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